Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quarter 3 Post 9- Bollywood

Bride and Prejudice was a really weird movie. I really only got to see one class’s worth of the video but still. I thought it was annoying how they’d just start singing because their voices were really annoying. I also thought a lot of the lines were really weird and cheesy. Mr. Kholi was a creep. He eats really nastily. I also don’t get why the main girl was upset when her bestfriend married Mr. Kholi because she didn’t like him anyways and didn’t want to marry him so she shouldn’t really care. The move did really remind me of Mamma Mia though. I think it was because of the random singing and the whole love stuff. Mamma Mia was better though because it was actually funny and it had pretty decent music. The Bollywood music was just really bad. I think if there were better music and Mr. Kholi didn’t eat so grossly the movie would be a lot better.

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