Sunday, April 26, 2009

Christian the Lion 2

Dear John and Ace,
I think you both did a wonderful job raising Christian. You really cared for him and you can tell that from the book. It sounds like you 3 had a lot of fun together. I think its kind of cool how you guys had no idea what you were doing but the way you took care of him seems to have been just right. Like how you really interacted with him so that he would be okay around other people but at the same time the games that you would play later helped him be introduced into the wild. Reading this book almost makes me want to get a pet lion but then I remember that Christian’s story is very unique and not likely to happen again. I like how you guys make you sure that the readers know that although you had a great time with Christian but that lions are not pets. I would really have liked to meet Christian, he has a lot of personality and his stories are very cute. It’s weird how he’s a cat but a lot of his behaviors remind me of a dog, like chewing up toys, and running and jumping, and just not laying around all day doing nothing. Stories like this make me interested in working with animals when I get older. I think I would like to work in a zoo one day or do like on animal planet where the families or people take care of the babies animals in shows like Growing Up Tiger Cub and stuff. You’re book is really inspiring and I love reading it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Christian the Lion 1

So far I really like this book. John and Ace seem like they were extremely excited to get Christian and like they had a ton of fun with him. They talk about keeping him in the furniture shop where they worked because they lived above it and there was a giant room in the basement where Christian could hangout and they didn’t have to worry about him ruining things because all of that furniture needed to be repaired. People would come in just to see Christian and some people didn’t believe they really had a pet lion. Whenever people entered the store they always asked “How do you feel about lions?” and still some people refused to believe there was a lion in the store until they saw him. Ace and Christian weren’t the only ones to have exotic pets in London. There was another lady that bought a Puma or something like that named Margot. Margot was also a very good pet and lived with the lady her whole life. The casino owner also kept tigers and gorillas. It’s crazy to think about wild animals living in the middle of London. I feel bad for them because they couldn’t have had the best life possible living in the middle of a busy city when they should be out in the middle of no where Africa. Christian is really lucky compared to the other animals because John and Ace took such great care of him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quarter 4 A Lion Called Christian

For my outside reading book I chose a Lion Called Christian because I saw the youtube video and the Animal Planet special on him. He's soooo cute! This book is written by one of his ex-owners and it just recalls everything that happened during their time together. I've always loved animals and the bonds they can form with humans. I think that it's crazy how much Christian obviously loves Ace and John so I wanted to read more about their story and found out how they made such a strong bond with a wild beast.